Lucas SITHOLE LS8306 "They are my best friends", 1983 - Zulu mahogany on liquid steel base - 145x018x020 cm


"They are my best friends", 1983 - Zulu mahogany on liquid steel base - 145x018x020 cm


Lucas SITHOLE - close-up of LS8306 "They are my best friends", 1983 - Zulu mahogany on liquid steel base

LS8306 (close-up)



Private Coll., U.K.

Private Coll., Johannesburg - 1983

Gallery 21, Johannesburg


Work on auction

Bonhams, New Bond Street, London - The South African Sale - 19th March, 2014 - Lot 75 - realised £12'500 incl. premium


Work exhibited:

Gallery 21, Johannesburg (The Nude in 21) - June 1983, cat. 43 - ZAR 6'000.-

LS8306 Lucas SITHOLE "They are my best friends" 1983 Zulu mahogany 145x018x020 cm


Work illustrated:

Bonhams London - The South African Sale" - 19th March, 2014 - cat. p.78 - Lot 75


Work reproduced:

The Star, Johannesburg - 17th June, 1983, illustrated


Work commented:

New African Art Magazine "Apartheid's artistic legacy" by Juliet Highet - 8th May, 2014



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