Lucas SITHOLE explaining his work:
"Working together", 1978 - Rhodesian teak on Cape mountain stone - 210x023x023 cm
Commissioned by:
Ciba-Geigy (Pty) Ltd. , Kempton Park, Transvaal, South Africa, through Gallery 21, Johannesburg (now Collection Novartis SA (Pty) Ltd.)
Work first presented at Ciba-Geigy Training Centre, Spartan, Transvaal - 1978
Work reproduced:
Lucas SITHOLE 1958-1979 - ISBN 0 620 03982 5 - col. plate IV
Ciba-Geigy News 1979, No. 1, ill. and commented
De Nieuwe Gids, Antwerp, 19.11.1979, ill.
This sculpture is recorded and illustrated in the monograph published in 2015
“Lucas SITHOLE 1931 – 1994: Highlights 1966-1993” – ISBN 978-3-033-04655-9 – on pp. 74/75