LS8011 Lucas SITHOLE "But what am I crying (for)? (Kodwa Ngikhale lani?)" 1980 Tambotie 076x035x025 cm


"But what am I crying (for)?" ("Kodwa Ngikhale lani?"), 1980 - Tambotie - 076x035x025 cm



Priv. Coll. FJP, Cape Town

Gallery 21, Johannesburg


Work exhibited:

Gallery 21, Johannesburg - 1980 cat. X04 - ZAR3400


LS8011 Lucas SITHOLE "But what am I crying (for)? (Kodwa Ngikhale lani?)" 1980 Tambotie 076x035x025 cm


Work televised:

Recorded in 1982 by the SABC for the Afrikaans drama production “Torings” Series 2 Episode #1 shown on SABC TV2 in 1993


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